


Success Alchemy Secret #5: Detach Yourself from The Outcome

If you have a big goal that you want to manifest and that you are working towards achieving, one of the most basic steps in the manifestation, is being able to Detach yourself from the Outcome, while you are taking daily action towards your goal. There is great power in Detachment and having total trust. Actually being impatient about what you want to create, being worried, scared, concerned, very attached to actually having that outcome, will have the opposite results for you.

Success Alchemy Secret #3: Take Time off

Most people who are driven for success, tend to push too hard and put in too many hours and exhaust themselves, ignoring the fact that in order to perform your best, you need to keep your mind, body and spirit in optimal state. If you put in too many hours consistently and don’t give yourself time to rest, not only your mind, your productivity and creativity will suffer, but it will have an effect on your health, your personal life and your relationships.

Success Alchemy Secret #2: Let Go of Other People’s Opinion

If you think of any of the really successful people in history and read their stories, you will realize that one of the things that actually made them so successful was that they followed their true calling and they were not concerned about other people’s opinions. The truth is that if you really believe in what you do, if its aligned with your core values and mission, if you trust in yourself and your self worth, if you do something that is ethical and does not harm anyone, if what you do comes from your heart, you are not concerned about what other people think, you just follow your calling.

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