Guided Morning Meditation for Manifesting with Gratitude
Meditating daily has a powerful effect both on your health and what you create in your life. With this meditation, we are using our intentions... Read More
Being a Forward Thinker
It just takes a few determined individuals being weirdo’s and going against the current, to create any positive shift on this planet. What is the new positive trend that can create a shift on the planet?
A Manifesting Meditation Technique for the Last 5 Minutes of your Day
The last five minutes of your day when you are relaxed and falling asleep are the most important minutes in your day with regards to programming your subconscious mind, as what you have in your mind those last five minutes stays in your subconscious for the next 8 hours and creates an imprint of what you will be experiencing the next day.
Can Meditation Make You Smarter?
An in-depth look into the scientific research and evidence of what happens to your brain when you meditate and why meditation is the most powerful tool ever to increase your mental abilities, creativity and intelligence.
The Top 10 Benefits of Meditation
Scientific Research proves the numerous proves today the numerous benefits of meditation, including reduction of stress, relief from depression, improved health and improved mental functioning.
How to Meditate like a Zen Monk starting today
If you find it difficult to quiet down your mind and relax, so that you can reap the amazing benefits of meditation, the use of brainwave entrainment technology, can help you start feeling instantly relaxed, focused, centered and lead to 'whole brain thinking' in an instant.