
Pavlina Papalouka


Goal Setting: Why Set Goals?

Goal Setting is helpful for two simple reasons: It helps your mind stay focused on your highest priorities and tells your subconscious what is most important for you and what to look for in your environment to identify opportunities. Smart goal setting means setting short term reachable goals to reach long time bigger goals and putting a concrete plan down around achieving your goals.

What we Learned from Steve Jobs – 16 Lessons on Life and Entrepreneurship from a Creative Genius

As the media around the world are buzzing with tributes to his life and his contribution to technology and society at large, I would like to focus with this article on what we have learned as a global community from Steve Jobs, including some of the gems of inspiration and popular inspirational 'quotes' he has left us with, that will be perpetuated for generations to come.

Neuromarketing: How Brain Research Guides the Future of Marketing

Neuromarketers are using MRI scanners to dig into the human subconscious and analyze the brain of volunteers while showing them advertising messages and having them compare competitive products. The findings show that emotion becomes more important than logical reasoning when it comes to selecting a product. Neuromarketers use their findings to help companies improve their marketing message and influence buying decisions.